Camp Programs
Make Your Summer Sizzle with STEM-tastic,
Hands-On, FUN Science!
Welcome to SUMMER 2024!
High Touch High Tech is offering fun, exciting, hands-on science Summer Day Camp in Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth & Yarmouth!
Cape Elizabeth Community Services
June 24 - June 28 Oceanographer Camp (entering grades 1 - 6)
Sail the seas and become an oceanographer! Learn about the main predators in the ocean and explore different aquatic habitats. Engineer your own boat and journey to the arctic and the bottom of the ocean.
For fees and registration visit Cape Elizabeth Community Services Website
Aug 19 - Aug 23 Outta this World Camp (Space Camp) (entering grades 1 - 6)
Blast off into space! Discover what it takes for humans to survive in space. Explore the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Explode a supernova, play with ferrofluid, and make your own Alpha Centauri Goo!
For fees and registration visit Cape Elizabeth Community Services Website
Mason-Motz Activity Center, 190 Middle Rd., Falmouth, ME
July 8 - July 12 Chemical Adventures Camp (All About Chemistry) (entering grades 1 - 6)
Become a chemist! Discover what matter is made of and how it reacts to physical and chemical changes. Learn about elements and the periodic table. Do real chemical reactions and so much more fun of mixture, separations, and real chemistry adventures!
For fees and registration visit Falmouth Community Services Website
August 5 - August 9 Outta this World Camp (Space Camp)
Blast off into space! Discover what it takes for humans to survive in space. Explore the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Explode a supernova, play with ferrofluid, and make your own Alpha Centauri Goo!
For fees and registration visit Falmouth Community Services Website
July 22 - July 25 Earth-o-Sphere Week (for kids ages 4-5) - NEW PRESCHOOL CAMP
High Touch High Tech of Maine is engaging kids with hands-on science! Through guided-play kids will journey around the world and discover how planet Earth works. They will learn how everything on Earth is interconnected from the living organisms to the water and minerals in the ground. They will explore extreme habitats, learn about weather, examine the layers of the Earth and so much more!
For fees and registration visit Falmouth Community Services Website
June 17 - June 21 Oceanographer Camp (entering grades 1 - 6)
Sail the seas and become an oceanographer! Learn about the main predators in the ocean and explore different aquatic habitats. Engineer your own boat and journey to the arctic and the bottom of the ocean.
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
June 24 - June 28 Chemical Adventures Camp (All About Chemistry) (entering grades 1 - 6)
Become a chemist! Discover what matter is made of and how it reacts to physical and chemical changes. Learn about elements and the periodic table. Do real chemical reactions and so much more fun of mixture, separations, and real chemistry adventures!
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
July 8 - July 12 Outta this World Camp (Space Camp)
Blast off into space! Discover what it takes for humans to survive in space. Explore the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Explode a supernova, play with ferrofluid, and make your own Alpha Centauri Goo!
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
July 22 - July 26 Forensic Fun (entering grades 1 - 6)
Calling all detectives for this fun exploration of forensic science! We will investigate crime scene as we use different forensic tools; we will test mystery powders, get a closeup on teeth prints and fingerprints, find out what we can learn from the pattern in lips and extract DNA. Explore the world of genes as we learn about dominant and recessive gene relationship and so much more!
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
July 29 - Aug 2 Earth-o-Sphere Week (for kids ages 4-5) - PRESCHOOL CAMP
High Touch High Tech of Maine is engaging kids with hands-on science! Through guided-play kids will journey around the world and discover how planet Earth works. They will learn how everything on Earth is interconnected from the living organisms to the water and minerals in the ground. They will explore extreme habitats, learn about weather, examine the layers of the Earth and so much more!
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
Aug 5 - Aug 9 Be A Scientist Week (for kids ages 4-5) - PRESCHOOL CAMP
We are going to explore together what scientists do as we explore different scientific areas! We will be ecologists are who discover the many amazing things about the natural world, from animals to plants. Look up and check what is in the sky just like astrophysicists do. We will get our hands busy mixing materials and doing some fun chemical reactions and so much more with this week of hands-on, fun, science camp.
For fees and registration visit North Yarmouth Academy Website
July 15 - July 19 Chemical Adventures Camp (All About Chemistry) (entering grades 1 - 6)
Become a chemist! Discover what matter is made of and how it reacts to physical and chemical changes. Learn about elements and the periodic table. Do real chemical reactions and so much more fun of mixture, separations, and real chemistry adventures!
For fees and registration visit Yarmouth Community Services Website (online registration begins April 1st)
July 29 - Aug 2 Outta this World Camp (Space Camp)
Blast off into space! Discover what it takes for humans to survive in space. Explore the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Explode a supernova, play with ferrofluid, and make your own Alpha Centauri Goo!
For fees and registration visit Yarmouth Community Services Website (online registration begins April 1st)
Aug 19 - Aug 23 Oceanographer Camp (entering grades 1 - 6)
Sail the seas and become an oceanographer! Learn about the main predators in the ocean and explore different aquatic habitats. Engineer your own boat and journey to the arctic and the bottom of the ocean.
For fees and registration visit Yarmouth Community Services Website (online registration begins April 1st)
Encourage science discovery in children around the world!
Science Experiences that Come to Your Camp
Looking to add some FUN into your camp calendar this summer? High Touch High Tech of Maine offers Sizzlin' Science Summer Camp field trips that bring a FUN, hands-on & educational experience direct to your campers!
Our Sizzlin’ science field trips transform summer camp into a living laboratory through our unique discovery-style learning approach. All High Touch High Tech programs are taught by our team of scientists and are totally hands-on and totally participatory for each camper. Our scientists are able to accommodate as many sessions as necessary to meet the needs of your camp.
Children in grades pre-k through sixth grade will be engaged in 45-minutes of non-stop, hands-on scientific exploration! We use materials that are concrete, safe and relevant to the everyday lives for children of all ages. Upon completion of the field trip, students will receive a cool science certificate and ALL programs include “make-and-take” experiments!
"Excellent program! The kids were engaged, learned and had fun"
Kathleen Petersen
Lithgow Public Library
Augusta, ME
"Well done! The Children were engaged and want to do it again! Hands-on activities helped younger children understand"
Family Focus Summer Camp
Topsham, ME
High Touch High Tech will engage your campers in exploratory, hands-on, FUN, science experiences for 45-minutes, serving as many groups as needed to meet the needs or your Summer Camp.
45-minute session per group
$9.00 per camper (a minimum applies)
Up to 25 children per group
Additional travel fee will apply
This supply intensive, educational experience includes all equipment and materials needed to turn your camp into a real science laboratory!
Camp Counselors, Staff & Parent Chaperones are welcome to participate free of charge!
Contact our office for promotions and special discounts!
- Bubble-ology©
Uncover the mysteries of air, if you dare! Discover air pressure, put an egg in a bottle, spin a pinwheel and more! - Bugs, Bugs, Bugs©
Campers will discover the cool properties of air by making their own siphon! Discover how we can get a large egg into a little bottle without breaking the egg! Kids will explore how strong the air is using suction cups! - Cool Coastal Science©
Make waves, explore sand, investigate beach creatures, make your own shell imprints and more. - Disaster! Disaster!©
Erupt a volcano and swirl a hurricane. Find out why these events happen and what we can do to protect ourselves from these devastating disasters. - Edible Science©
You can eat every experiment in this program! We'll make a cool molecule, gummy candy, and science soda! - Light Fever©
Pull out your psychedelic glasses to meet ROY G. BIV. Learn all the groovy news about light and how it travels. Develop your own Solar Picture and make a UV bracelet to take home. - Weather or Not©
Learn about weather as we take an up close and hands-on look at air pressure, changing conditions and tornadoes. - And More!
Download our 2023 Sizzlin' Summer Camp Program Guide by clicking on the link below.
Discover the power of observation as students journey through experimentation!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do you cap the session size at 25 children? A: In order to maintain the hands-on nature of our programming and provide assistance to as many children as require, we request to limit the size of the program.
Q: Are the supplies included with the program? A: All supplies are provided by High Touch High Tech. Our Scientist will bring enough supplies for each camper to enjoy a hands-on experience.
Q: When will the Scientist arrive?
A: Our Scientists require only 5-10 minutes to set up for your program; therefore, you should expect them to arrive approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of your program.
We Look Forward To Visiting Your Camp!
Join in experimentation that challenges student problem solving skills!